Easy Methods to Stop Sharing Location Without Notification
11 mins read

Easy Methods to Stop Sharing Location Without Notification

Are you tired of sharing your location with someone but don’t want them to know when you stop sharing? You’re not alone. Many people struggle with figuring out how to turn off location sharing without the other person knowing. Fortunately, there are a few simple methods that can help you accomplish this. In this guide, we will walk you through various ways to stop sharing your location without notifying the other person. So let’s get started!

How to Stop Sharing Location Without Them Knowing

There could be many reasons why you want to stop sharing your location without the other person knowing. Maybe you want some privacy or don’t want someone constantly checking up on your whereabouts. Whatever the reason may be, here are a few methods you can use to stop sharing location without notification:

Method 1: Pause Location Sharing

One way to temporarily stop sharing your location is by using the “Pause” feature on your device. This method works for both iPhone and Android users. Here’s how to do it:

  • On an iPhone: Open the Messages app and select the conversation with the person you are sharing your location with. Tap on their name at the top of the screen, then select “Info.” Next, tap on “Stop Sharing My Location” and confirm.
  • On an Android: Open Google Maps and tap on the menu button (three horizontal lines) in the top left corner. Go to “Location Sharing” and select the person you want to stop sharing your location with. Tap on “Stop.”

Method 2: Disable Location Services

Another way to stop sharing your location without notification is by turning off location services for specific apps or altogether. This method works for both iPhone and Android users. Here’s how to do it:

  • On an iPhone: Go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services and toggle off the switch for apps that you don’t want to share your location with. You can also turn off location services altogether by toggling off the switch at the top of the screen.
  • On an Android: Go to Settings > Location and toggle off the switch for “Use location.” You can also select specific apps and toggle off the switch for location access.

Method 3: Use a Fake Location App

how to turn off location without the other person knowing

If you want to stop sharing your real location without the other person knowing, you can use a fake location app. These apps allow you to set a different location on your device, which will be shared instead of your actual location. Keep in mind that this method may not work for all apps that rely on your location, such as rideshare and food delivery services.

Method 4: Log Out of Your Apple ID or Google Account

Another way to stop sharing your location without notification is by logging out of your Apple ID (on an iPhone) or Google account (on an Android). This method will not only stop the other person from seeing your location, but it will also log you out of all associated apps and services.

Potential Risks Associated with Each Method

  • Method 1: Pause Location Sharing: While this method is effective, it’s important to note that even when paused, some location data may still be accessible to certain applications. Also, if you forget to resume sharing, it could cause concern or confusion for those who rely on your location for safety or coordination purposes.
  • Method 2: Disable Location Services: Disabling location services can impact the functionality of some apps that rely on this information, such as navigation and weather apps. Furthermore, if you turn off location services entirely, you won’t be able to use “Find My iPhone” or “Find My Device” in case your phone gets lost.
  • Method 3: Use a Fake Location App: Using a fake location app might be seen as deceptive and could breach the terms of service of some apps, which could result in penalties or even account closure. Also, these types of apps might not always work reliably and could potentially expose your device to security vulnerabilities.
  • Method 4: Log Out of Your Apple ID or Google Account: Logging out of your Apple ID or Google account will indeed stop location sharing, but it also means you lose access to all the associated services such as email, cloud storage, app store, etc. Furthermore, you’ll need to remember your login details to regain access, which could be inconvenient if you don’t have them readily available.

Additional Tips for Protecting Your Location Privacy

  • Regularly check your location settings and make sure only the apps and services that need access to your location have it.
  • Be cautious about who you share your location with and consider using features like “Share Indefinitely” instead of “Share for One Hour.”
  • Use a trusted third-party app, like Scannero, for discreet location tracking instead of constantly sharing your location with others.
  • Communicate and set boundaries with the people you share your location with, such as agreeing on a specific purpose or time frame for sharing.

How to Tell if Someone Stopped Sharing Location?

if i stop sharing my location with someone will they know

It’s possible to decipher if someone has stopped sharing their location with you, but the indications can be subtle. Here’s what you need to look out for on both iPhone and Android devices:

  • iPhone Users: On iPhone, if the person you’re tracking has stopped sharing their location, you will see “Location Not Available” when you open the Find My Friends app or on iMessage if you’ve been sharing location there. Another key indication is that their location dot turns grey from the usual blue. This could mean that their device is off, they’re not connected to the internet, or they’ve stopped sharing their location altogether.
  • Android Users: For Android users, if someone has stopped sharing their location with you on Google Maps, you’ll see a message that says, “This person has turned off Location Sharing.”If you’ve been using a third-party app, you might receive a notification, or the person’s location will simply not update, indicating they have stopped sharing their location.Remember, it’s always good to respect each other’s privacy. If someone has stopped sharing their location, it’s likely for a good reason. If you really need to know their whereabouts, try reaching out and communicating instead of constantly tracking them.

How to Secretly Track Someone’s Location with Scannero App


Scannero is an app that allows you to discreetly track someone’s location using just their phone number. Scannero operates as a web-based service, which means that you do not need to install any application on your device. All that is required is a working internet connection and a web browser. You can access Scannero from your computer, tablet, or smartphone and start tracking a location in a matter of minutes. This method saves you from the hassles of downloading, installing, and updating an app, while also ensuring that Scannero always operates on the latest version. Furthermore, being web-based ensures that Scannero is adaptable to different operating systems, making it a universal solution for location tracking needs. To track a location with Scannero, follow these simple steps:

  • Visit the Scannero website: https://scannero.com/
  • Enter the phone number of the person you want to track in the designated field.
  • Click on “Start Tracking” and wait for Scannero to gather information.
  • Once completed, you will be redirected to a map showing the current location of the phone you are tracking.
  • You can further zoom in on the map or use satellite view for more precise tracking.
  • If you want to continue tracking, simply leave the page open and Scannero will continue updating the location in real-time.

Please note that Scannero only tracks locations when the phone is turned on and connected to the internet. Additionally, Scannero only works if the person has not disabled location services on their device.

Frequently Asked Questions

If I stop sharing my location with someone, will they know?

No, they will not receive a notification when you stop sharing your location with them. However, they may notice that their map is no longer updating with your current location.

Does it notify when you stop sharing location?

This depends on the method you use to stop sharing your location. Some methods, such as using the “Pause” feature, will not notify the other person. However, if you log out of your account or turn off location services altogether, they may receive a notification.

Can I turn my location off without someone knowing?

Yes, you can turn off your location without the other person knowing by using any of the methods described in this guide. Just keep in mind that some apps and services may not function properly without access to your location.

Is it possible for someone to track your location while your device is in airplane mode?

When you enable Airplane Mode on your device, it disables all wireless communications, including GPS. This interruption can affect the streaming of your location data. If someone was tracking your location before you activated Airplane Mode, they will only see your last known location. To update their view, you need to turn off Airplane Mode and restore wireless communication.


In conclusion, there are various easy methods to stop sharing your location without notification. Whether you want to take a break from sharing your location or completely turn it off, these methods can help you achieve your goal. Just make sure to be cautious and considerate when managing your location sharing settings. And remember, communication is key if you do decide to stop sharing your location with someone. So go ahead and use these methods to regain control over your privacy today!

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